For the love of our GUT ❤️


Recently I have talked to many people who have had or know some one who has had pain in their gut and is causing them lots of discomfort, severe bloating and inflammation, this includes me as well.

According to the Australian gut foundation, more than half our population reports to have digestive issues with in a 12 month period.

Do we ever stop and think about what we are putting inside our bodies? What we feed our organs and muscles. How clean our gut is?

If you are someone who suffer from sluggish digestion and often find yourself with pain in the tummy, heart burn, irritable bowl or ulcers? Then this is for you. It is most often caused by poor food choices that our bodies can not digest and stress can play a big role in this as well.

Start with simple little changes each day.

Start the day with fresh lemon juice in warm water or a table spoon of apple cider vinegar to get the digestive system up and going for the day. Make sure we take our probiotic to maintain the healthy flora within our gut. Minimize sugary, starchy or saturated fatty foods. To help keep inflammation down, during the day drink warm water with natural and fresh ingredients such as ginger, lemon, honey, mint or tumaric and if you are wanting milk, substitute with alternatives such as coconut or almond milk which can be easier for the tummy to digest.

Make it a habit to do some form of exercise for 30 minuets each day.

All this combined will care for and help your gut and digestive system leading to a more calm, relaxed, healthier and happier you.